Reply To: Really need help here . . .

Home Forums Bluebird Chatter Really need help here . . . Reply To: Really need help here . . .

Carol – Mid-Mo.

    Thanks, Gin – I believe you are right and I never thought about adding finer grass later to line the cup. Papa has been guarding this box most of the day and the pair of them have been on & off the box & wing-waving all day long. Thanks for responding so quickly – I get nervous when I cannot positively identify a nest. Oh, I did have a HOSP nest get built to the top of a different box before I knew it – I had been removing & trapping them at this back box all spring. When I trapped the female and began taking out the nest, there were 4 eggs in the bottom – I didn’t like this at all. But since mama is gone so are the eggs. I left trap in thinking I would get the male today but have not so far.