Reply To: HELP!! Need advise on box location

Home Forums Bluebird Chatter HELP!! Need advise on box location Reply To: HELP!! Need advise on box location

Rich K

    This is a Troyer so the pole is actual 1/2″ conduit set onto rebar. I have another exact same set up with a Gilbertson so I plan to pound that rebar into the ground and then I can safely lift the current box off the existing rebar and gently slide it onto the newly relocated rebar! I will be extra careful. She has 3 eggs right now but I anticipate another egg tomorrow as she has not been on the nest all day – just around the box hunting and feeding Junior from the first fledge! I will do this around 10 tomorrow to be sure she has laid and minimal disturbance. Thanks everyone! I’m convinced to move it now!!! :bluebird6: