Reply To: What foods attract your bluebirds best?

Home Forums Bluebird Chatter What foods attract your bluebirds best? Reply To: What foods attract your bluebirds best?

Carol – Mid-Mo.

    Carolyn, you are getting excellent advise here, especially what Gin mentioned about the earth worms not being good for nestlings & never seen an adult even eat any. Also to not overfeed the worms to them, more like a treat. A second to the idea if your blues are eating the dried worms, stick with them. The live are not anything to handle (I just use a plastic spoon or fork) but they are more expenses (I think??) but they must be refrigerated. Unfortunately, since I have had the same generations of blues since I began 9 seasons ago, they don’t know anything but live worms, which is what they like best.