Hi all,
Four of the five eggs hatched on Tuesday! The unhatched egg was removed by the parents. All the baby blues from the prior nestings are still hanging around our yard enjoying the bird bath and mealworms. I’ve been watching to see if any of the older siblings will help feed the new baby blues. Have never gotten the chance to see this. It would be amazing to witness!
Congratulations, Dana. I wish the babies from my first brood had survived. However, I have five tough little babies battling this heatwave right now. I am hoping for a better outcome with this group. I have never seen babies helping parents with new babies, but I agree, it would be fun to witness it. Congrats, again.
Hi Susan,
I hope the babies in your nestbox are doing okay. Hope they made it through the heatwave. I think the temps are suppose to cool down here in PA in the next few days, in the 70s and 80s I believe. Lets hope so (fingers crossed).
Thanks Randy and Carol! I checked the nest this afternoon and was surprised to see a 5th baby blue! I guess it hatched the day after I checked the nest last time. So I have 5 baby blues again! They are about 5 or 6 days old now. This bluebird pair have been popping out babies like rabbits. I’m so happy! I wonder if they’ll have a 4th brood? Even if they don’t it’s been a really productive summer with this pair!
My pair have been insanely reproducing this year as well! Really too hot for this last batch of four but mom is incubating like a trooper and dad is full time parenting the last batch!