Anyone seen our precious bluebirds yet?

Home Forums Bluebird Chatter Anyone seen our precious bluebirds yet?

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    Carol – Mid-Mo.

      Well, I have stopped feeding all the winter birds (juncos, white browned sparrows, hosp, etc) my peanut butter suet after I spotted a male bluebird a day or two ago. I went ahead and ordered my 10,000 live mealworms – hope I was not too anxious. The HOSP have been actively inspecting my four boxes for quite some time and I keep cleaning out their starter nests just as fast.
      Sure hope this papa blue shows up with his mate soon, as I do not want to be stuck with all these live worms! This will be my 15th year and have had baby blues every year. Good luck everyone!


        I’m in Georgia and we’ve had them back for a few weeks now. Seems like they just left a few months ago, they weren’t gone very long! Global warming I guess. I’m hoping to beat our record of 7 babies from one box last summer. Good luck to you this season!


        Carol – Mid-Mo.

          Good to year from you, Lisa. Yeah, Georgia weather would be nice, although here in Missouri we did not have much winter, not like normal. Have your blues made any nests yet?


            Hi Carol and Lisa,

            There’s been a bluebird pair checking out my bluebird box. But a house sparrow has been harassing them and going in the box and keeping them from entering. So I trapped him and disposed of him immediately. Now hopefully the bluebirds can investigate my nest box in peace next time around. But I will be keeping an eye out if I see anymore house sparrows giving them grief I will be trapping them and disposing them. Happy Spring everyone!

            Dana in PA

            Carol – Mid-Mo.

              Good for you Dana on ridding that sparrow – they are real threats.


                Our new bluebird tenants have started building their nest! They’re very busy this morning. The box is just a few feet away from a back window so we have a great view.

                Carol – Mid-Mo.

                  Exciting – keep us updated. I’ve got 10,000 mealworms waiting for my blues – they better come on!


                    Lisa, that’s great news! I have bluebirds checking out my box but no nest yet. It’s been cold here lately though.




                      Thanks! This morning I had to trap and dispose of yet another house sparrow trying to claim my nest box. I use the Van Ert Trap and let me tell you it works great! Even if you have a slot-opening box like I do.



                        i haven’t seen bluebirds for several weeks now. In previous years i did have a mated pair starting a nest by this date. I’m putting out mealworms but only getting downies, chickadees, robins, starlings, etc. Ive trapped several sparrows in the houses.

                        We’ve got some sunny 70 degree weather moving in this week, maybe that will bring a pair.

                        SW Ohio

                        Carol – Mid-Mo.

                          Seems like the Van Ert trap is highly used here. Funny story – I was needing to put a trap (I have two) in a nestbox where a hosp had staked his claim and I could not for the sake of me (us including dear hubby) find either one of them. I am pretty particular about putting them in their proper places but we could not find them for about 30-4o minutes. Finally we opened a door to one area of our shop/barn and found them setting on our big lawn mower for some reason! Whew!!!!


                            I have a ton of the van ert traps. To keep track of them, i attached a little hook to either the side or back of the house, and just hang the trap there upside down by its lever. If i see sparrow activity, there’s my trap ready to install, got the two screws in every bird house also. The orange dots wear off, i just put a garage sale sticker to refurbish them, and the traps dont seem to have a problem with rusting staying outdoors.

                            Chris :TwoHosp:



                              Same here. There’s been bluebirds checking out my nestbox but they left and haven’t comeback. There’s been a lone male bluebird hanging around with no mate. Last week I trapped and disposed of two house sparrows. The box has stayed clear and empty for the bluebirds but no takers yet. Like you I also have mealworms out but barely any bluebirds have showed interest lately. In past years they usually had a nest started or completed nest by now.

                              Dana in PA


                                I think I have the same pair from last year. I’ve been feeding them during the winter and they got an early start this year. I think they were new parents last year cause they didn’t even pick this box till almost May.

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                                  That is a beautiful picture!

                                  SW Ohio

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