Behavior Questions

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      Ha ha Gin! I couldn’t live without you!


        Thanks Gin!

        It’s interesting how last time I didn’t see either bird much, but the male seems to be always around the box area this time around. I quit putting seed in the feeder in the backyard so it’s not full of HOSP and chickadees, so maybe they are more comfortable this time with less birds in the general area.

        They finished the nest today. Only 14 days after the last brood fledged. We will see if they lay eggs soon.

        I’m putting up another box in the backyard in hopes that chickadees or something desirable will use it. Last time I had a box back there HOWR kept filling it up with sticks so we will see. Any tips on location for carolina dees vs HOWR?


          CACH aren’t all that particular about box location seems to me. They have used all of my boxes and they are in vastly different situations in regard to tree placement, brushy areas, amount of sun, etc.

          HOWR have also become indifferent to location around here. They will try to use all of my boxes! The conventional wisdom states that they don’t like open areas. Ha! Not so true if you ask me. If they are desperate enough they will try to use any box they find.

          Atlanta, GA


            I had 2 eggs hatch yesterday and the remaining 2 today.

            One of the babies is not down in the nest cup, but is up on the top of the nest in a corner where the door opens. I can only assume the mother put it there. Should I move it back to the nest cup or just let it be and mom to take care of it as she wishes?


              An adult definitely put it up there, going by the age of the chicks. There may be something wrong with it. You can put it back if you want and see what happens.

              Atlanta, GA


                I checked today and there are only 3 babies. Is it common for the parents to remove one if something was wrong with it? There’s no reason to believe there’s been any predation.

                On the positive side, the male seems to have figured out the Wren Guard this time around and is helping feeding. The babies seem bigger at this stage than last time around, although it could just be perception.

                • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Brad.

                  I believe they will remove a deceased baby sometimes but mine never have.


                    One time a dead nestling appeared on our Bluebird Buffet not long after hatching. I assume the parents brought it from the nest and deposited it there. That time we had a record of 7 eggs, but in the end only 5 nestlings appeared to have survived to fledging.

                    Willamette Valley, Oregon


                      It’s been interesting of late.

                      I left town for 4 days when the babies were 6 days old and I took the wren guard off right before I left. The group went from 4 hatchlings to 3 after a couple days and it appeared like the mom had removed one from the nest and eventually did something with it.

                      When I returned only 2 of the 3 babies remained. I have no idea what happened with the other. Sparrow spooker and baffle still on. No sign of any kind of predator. Unfortunate, but such is life. I wish I knew if I did anything wrong or if it was just nature.

                      I thought only 1 bird of my first round survived, as I’d only seen one hanging out with the male in my area. Immature parents or predators…who knows. 2 days ago I saw a blue in my backyard, which is rare. I started watching and quickly realized there were 5 hanging out hunting food on the ground and playing about. One was definitely the dad and there was another male. I could tell several were young. I’m not sure if the mom was there or not, but if she was it means 3 have survived and if not then all 4 are still with us. That was quite welcome.

                      The remaining 2 seemed to grow much quicker than the last round, probably because they only had to feed half as many. They fledged today and are now gone.

                      I’m strongly considering buying the mealworm feeder from this site to put in the backyard in hopes I can see them back there more often. I don’t get to see the box unless I’m coming or going from the house.

                      I assume this is it for the year here in NC. I didn’t expect any babies this year. I would guess nesting areas are lacking here, considering they took to my box day 1 after I moved it to the front yard. I’m just glad to help 6 babies leave the box successfully. I’ve also disposed of 3 HOSP, which isn’t fun but I know is the right thing to do.

                      Thanks to everyone for all the help.


                        Congratulations on the successful year. It is really satisfying to see the babies and adults come back after the fledging. My babies are 16 days old, and still in the box. Mama and Papa are tending the box regularly. I’m just wondering why I’m not seeing peeking. I thought they would fly the coop by now!



                          Mine are usually lazy, never leave before 17 days.
                          Brad, the feeder is worth every penny!

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