Bluebird family returns

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    Here is something that I have not seen in quite a while. 2 of the fledgling from the last brood with Mom & Dad surveying their former home. Both little birds flew to the nestbox and looked in. At least one egg is in the box.

    Please excuse the quality of the photo. I used my iPhone as my big camera was in another room.

    Stafford, VA

    Carol – Mid-Mo.

      Always cool to see your fledglings return to “home” area & glad you have another nest. Is it the same parents, I’m assuming it is. Some fledglings actually help feed their siblings, but I have never had this happen – parents usually chase them off once others hatch to protect food supply. Just like us humans telling our children “time to grow up & be on your own!”


      Thanks Carol. yes it is the same pair. i am hoping that they stay around but I haave never had that happen either. More photos tomorrow

      Stafford, VA


      posted in Second Nesting

      Stafford, VA


      A couple of photos this morning of the young with papa bird. Mama bird is in the nestbox.

      Stafford, VA

      Rich K

        Looks like to juvenile males?

        Love my blues!


          Keep us posted. You may be one of the lucky ones to have the juveniles help feed! I’ve seen 2 juveniles from my first brood several times, but they seem to be on their own. Wish they would help feed because I’m pretty sure something bad happened to the Dad. Should have 2nd brood hatchlings here as early as tomorrow. Hope Mom can handle it!



          Rick – that was my thought too. I am going to try to get photos as they mature if they keep coming around.

          Nicole – I hope that your young ones will come back. Maybe mama bird can coax them back when she can get off the nest after the hatch.


          Stafford, VA



            Once again, spectacular pics. You inspired me to by a 55-250 zoom for my Canon Rebel XTi, and the pics are spectacular, especially now that my single fledgling has come out of hiding after two weeks.

            How do you post pics like these on this forum?


            Bobs Farm

              I may not of had a BB in my nest box this year but yesterday I was lucky enough to observe mommy and daddy training two young fledglings how to hunt for bugs in my front yard. They would glide down from a tree in my front yard then hop right back up into the branches. It was quite a sight not having seen this before.


              Scot – you will enjoy using the zoom lens. You can get close without having to spook the birds. There are instructions for posting photos in the Sticky thread titled “Posting Tips for The New Bluebird Nut Cafe.” I do crop the photos about 60% prior to posting. It is not that hard to do. I look forward to seeing your work.

              Bob- The training process is fun to watch if you get the opportunity. The little ones mimic the parent but then sit and wait with an open beak to be fed.

              Stafford, VA

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