I just found your site. I have my first bluebird pair nesting this spring in a new box i put up. I noticed yesterday that the birds had disappeared, and were no longer “dive bombing” at me. So, I checked inside the box and found an empty nest with several fecal sacs on the box walls. Can I assume the young fledged? Should I clean the box and hope they will come back for a second brood?
Abby, go ahead and monitor it more often because your missing out on quite a bit of fun watching those babies grow. Another reason for monitoring is so that you can find problems quickly that could be fatal to babies and even parents. And you’ll know exactly when thyou bluebirds should fledge.
Agree with all above. The fun part of having these bluebirds is to ensure their welfare as they progress from egg to fledgling. Day 12-13 following the hatch should be your cutoff for actually “peeking in” on them to prevent accidental early fledging.