disappointing end

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      Well my bluebird season came to an end very abruptly. The babies fledged and went to the trees and I expected to be feeding mealworms like always for at least a week or two but instead right after fledge they went one day taking them and then totally left the area. I have never seen this before, even last year they fed a couple of weeks before vanishing. So I never got to find out how many were in this last brood. Some reason there is just some place better to be than southern maine i guess. Hope next year turns out better. At least I know my house has created new little blues for the world to see.


        It is really hard to let the babies go, isn’t it? I have about a week to watch my parents feed the babies and then it will be time for them to “fly the coop.” Like you, I hope they stick around a while, but you never know.


        Carol – Mid-Mo.

          Most parents take their fledglings away right after they leave the box. That is when they train they how to eat and hunt for food. Most usually they return to their home area after about 10 days or two weeks and will then come to the worm bowl for handouts from mama & papa. At least this is my experience in the 10 seasons of bluebirding and I believe most people’s experience, AT LEAST THOSE THAT FEED MEALWORMS. I bet you will see them return after awhile. Susan, do your blues stay there for a time right after fledging, too? This is somewhat unusual but I guess they all are different. But I never see my blues right after fledging for, like I said, 10 days or more, and then parents bring them back. Maybe it depends on where you live. Keep those worms handy! Those that do not feed worms may not have the babies return home, but this is the FUN part!

          Rich K

            I rarely see the fledglings after they leave. Last year however a Juvy male hung around to help feed the second brood. That was really cool! He hung around for the remainder of the season. So far this year there have been 10 fledglings from the neighbors boxes. I haven’t seen any since they fledged. I think that is common for a lot of species. My DEES had 7 babies and only now, 5 weeks later, am I seeing them at my feeder (along with 4 baby Downy’s!!)


              Last year, I had just one brood because my papa blue died when the babies were only a few days old. I helped mama blue with lots of meal worms, and four babies fledged successfully. Just like that, they all disappeared–mama and the babies. As fall approached, the babies came back for drinks at the birdbath. I fed meal worms and they stayed all winter.

              This year, a new bluebird couple moved in. After my first brood fledged in mid-June, I saw them within a few days of the fledging. I wasn’t expecting that. I thought they would be gone for at least a few weeks. They sat on my deck rail, fence and birdbath. Papa was working hard to feed them because he and mama started a new nest almost immediately. I never saw a second nest pop up so quickly. Sadly, (as I stated a while ago), three of the babies were lost to predators, and I don’t know what happened to the other two. Maybe it would have been better if they had stayed under cover for a few weeks. I don’t know why they came back so soon after fledging.


              Carol – Mid-Mo.

                Interesting, Susan. As long as I can remember my fledglings were brought back to “home area” worm bowl within 2 weeks and then most or at least the last group stayed all winter with parents. Location must have something to do with this scenario. I really don’t get a break in feeding other than I switch to peanut butter suet during winter months. But as I have always stressed, my feeding is strictly as treats, not meant to be their main diet.


                  Mine have always done what Carols do. They leave for a couple of weeks and then bring the babies back. Sometimes I don’t see the babies again. My ver last brood disappears until the end of September and then I see them again and they all overwinter with me.



                    I think the difference in maine as with all the birds in my area is they come here to nest only, raise there chicks and move on when their done. I have more species of birds in my back yard then most of my friends in my area. red breasted gross beaks, blue bunting, three types of finches,list goes on and on. By august all these birds just leave and all that is left is the locals. Chickadees , blue jays and my red cardinals. so I think it has to do with the area as carol says. So no I have to disagree that they will return. Like last year once they left that was it. I think there must be some awesome place they must go to that has a ton of bugs or something, maybe bedford nh with Randy. It’s just a shame that it is such a short period of time to enjoy them. we start losing daylight in june but wouldn’t it be nice if we got to the longest day of the year and it stayed that way for a month before going back. maybe 13 months in a year. LOL. it’s a long wait till next year and I still have another month before my new chickens start laying eggs but i’m excited about getting fresh eggs. Never raised chickens before but am liking it so far. Just got to go with the flow.

                    Carol – Mid-Mo.

                      Dlibby, yes, that is the answer – that they do not overwinter there. I had forgotten you live in the north. Sounds like you will have fun with your chickens – I was raised on a farm and remember WELL our chicken coop and my job was to gather eggs – didn’t like it because the hens would try to peck me! WAY LONG TIME AGO!


                        Funny, I am very far south and I never saw mine after fledge until this year. I was missing the best part! They definitely don’t overwinter here, they leave in summer and come back in February like clockwork…This is just an amazing year getting to see them beg at the mealworm feeder and make clumsy attempts to get in.
                        I totally thank my neighbor two doors down for converting his very wooded lot to a nice flat green lawn. They love it there! So at least I get to see the babies for a while!

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