Eggs not hatching

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      The bluebird eggs were due to hatch May 9th this past weekend but haven’t yet. Today is the 15th of May. I’m beginning to think they may be infertile at this point. I’m debating whether to remove the nest after a few more days or leave it and see if they build over it. This happened a few years ago and after 3 and a half weeks I removed the nest. The pair started rebuilding a new nest with in 3 days, laid another batch of eggs which did hatch. I think this time around I may leave the nest and unhatched eggs intact and see what this pair of bluebirds decide to do. Any thoughts?

      Carol – Mid-Mo.

        Dana, is mama still incubating the eggs? If not, she probably knows they are infertile. If you have another box for them to take, I would probably leave the old nest alone and see what they do, like you said. But I wouldn’t leave the old nest in the box for much more than a week in case they want it back or you can use it as a HOSP box & trapping. Mama blue’s pattern should tell you something. Sorry this is not working out for you but maybe next go-around will be better.


          Hi Carol – Yes the mama is still incubating them. But I have also noticed the male seem to sense something amiss with the eggs. He constantly is checking inside the box, more than usual, going in and out even though none of the eggs have hatched. This morning all 5 eggs were still in the nest. Then in this afternoon I saw mama blue take out one of the eggs with her beak as the male watched from on top of the nest box. It appears one of them either broke or cracked open. Obviously there was nothing inside the egg that was viable since she took the egg out with her beak and flew off with it. You could see it was split open. I was thinking she was going to come back and take out the rest of the eggs but she has left the other 4 eggs in the nest and still is incubating them. I’m not sure at this point what to do other then keep a watchful eye on things like their behavior for clues. I’ve been checking the nest at least once daily now. Thankfully this bluebird pair doesn’t seem to mind.

          Carol – Mid-Mo.

            Dana, I believe you have the right thoughts – if she is still incubating let everything alone – they will take care of things & dispose of leave the eggs alone.


              Carol- I’m glad I waited. They hatched this morning!! :woohoo: :cow2: :hoppingblue:

              Carol – Mid-Mo.

                Wow – maybe you were mixed up on dates or maybe she did not begin incubation right away? Anyway, CONGRATS on their hatching!


                  Wow… Great ending. Unfortunately my 5 eggs didn’t hatch. Maybe the first time for me. Too much spring cold weather up here. I opened one just to be sure and found that they were barely starting to develop. So hard.



                  Sorry to hear that Tammy. It has been a rough spring. Better luck on the next sitting.

                  Stafford, VA

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