5th and last egg was laid on 6/2 and the female started incubating right away. Last night she didn’t return to sit on them overnight, and when she finally returned today, showed no interest in going back into the box.
The male has been peeking into the box, going into the box, sitting on the box and calling for her, but she hasn’t given in. At one point I even saw them fighting in the grass so I think she’s just over it. I feel so bad for him as it’s getting dark and he is just sitting on top of the box calling for her.
This is the 7th clutch (2nd this year), but I’ve never seen behavior like this from them. Is it possible that the eggs are infertile? How long should we leave them before removing so they can try again?
Normally when we go anywhere near the box, they dive bomb me nonstop, but they aren’t doing that today which makes me think there is definitely something wrong with the eggs. 😢
This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Allyson.