First BB egg today!

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      Hi guys, I was getting a little worried since our BB’s nest was finished end of last week, but we have an egg laid today! I guess it’s time to start putting out some live mealworms? They eat the birdseed and dried mealworms already.

      Carol – Mid-Mo.

        Great news, Lisa – My pair do not even have a nest started yet – really having to fight off all the HOSP. You bet it is time to put out live mealworms – this will keep the pair around, just remember to feed the worms as a treat, though – they need natural bait mostly.



          Congrats! That’s great to hear. Keep us posted. I think my bluebirds have taken a hiatus this spring.


          Carol – Mid-Mo.

            Dana, I believe my pair of blues are also on vacation – I see them around on my trees and checking out one particular box but no nesting material yet. The HOSP are relentless – been trapping them pretty often. I will be really disappointed as I have had nests, eggs & babies the last 14 years.


              Nice! They eat bird seed? I fed mine dried mealworms all winter. I’d soak them in water and sprinkle them with some calcium carbonate, they seem to really like it. So did the Yellow Warblers, Wrens, Blue Jays and Robins. I chased off the Starlings as much as I could. I tried to get them to eat some suet balls but they wouldn’t go for it, they’re picky.

              I would say start with the live meal worms when they start feeding young. I usually just do around 5-6 worms per bird, including blue birds and hatchlings, in the morning only. I sprinkle calcium carbonate on them because mealworms are calcium deficient. During the summer they are more than capable of finding food on their own that has all the nutrients and water the hatchlings need, but I feel like giving them some mealworms in the morning helps them get some quick and easy food for the young and themselves after going all night without eating. It’s defiantly satisfying see them take it to the box.


                Well my birdseed has nuggets of some kind of fruit stuff in it, and that may be what they go for.

                Waiting now, should be about one more week. I do a quick box check every afternoon to make sure eggs look good, mom and pop don’t seem to mind. I’ll have to pick up some calcium carb stuff to add to the live worms.

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