First Egg 2021

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    It is going to be a busy fledging week from May 10 – 15. We have the first egg of the season on a cool, misty day. I did not get the photo of the birds on the shepherd’s hook this morning but that is what prompted me to take a look in the nestbox.

    Stafford, VA


    Second egg some time this afternoon

    It has really been quiet around the bird house and feeder area for the past day or so. Possibly because I took the feeders down to clean them yesterday and didn’t get them back up until an hour ago.

    Stafford, VA

    blue diamonds

      Dave great photos…..I really like the picture with 2 eggs, they are such a beautiful blue. Exciting times ahead.

      Judy – Michigan


      Thanks Judy. Yes It looks like it is going to be a pretty good year for the Bluebirds. The third egg happened about an hour ago. I looked in the box when I put the mealworms out around 8:30 and there were still only 2 in the nest.

      Stafford, VA


      And now there are 4. :bluesinbox:

      Stafford, VA

      blue diamonds

        Yay……I hope you get egg #5 tomorrow. Then maybe #6……I have never had a nest with six eggs yet. Thanks for sharing your photos.

        Judy – Michigan


        We now have 5 eggs in the nest. Looks like an April 28 hatch date.

        Stafford, VA


        Incubation has started. I have seen the female sticking her head out of the nestbox opening several times today when I have gone into the back yard. It is going to be cooler this evening – high 30’s but they should be okay.

        Stafford, VA

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