First eggs of the season

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    BZ–W Ctrl MO

      Hello everyone! My first post of the season. I’m happy to report that my ‘blues’ completed a nest in one of my boxes sometime last week, and yesterday I discovered the first egg. This morning I went out to put up either the spooker or the wren guard, and found the second egg in the nest. I opted for the wren guard first, because I have seen several HOWR around the yard, and the box faces some brush along the edge of the woods. Also, it has been very windy in our area for the last several days, and I knew that I would have to tie up the streamers of the spooker anyway. I’ll try to get the spooker up tomorrow, especially if there is a third egg.

      I also have a nest in my second box, but I’m not sure it is EABB, since I can’t observe it from my house. It is definitely not a HOSP. I’ll let you know.

      Best of luck to all for a successful season!

      BZ–W. Ctrl MO


        Congrats on your eggs. How many do you have now? What was in that second box?


        Carol – Mid-Mo.

          Congrats BZ – did your eggs hatch yet? Looks like your 14 days would have been Sunday, April 23. That is when I found my 1st baby blue and the other 4 hatched later that night or early the next morning.

          BZ–W Ctrl MO

            Thanks for your replies. I ended up with 5 eggs and they have all hatched! I guess I miscounted the days for the hatch, as I thought they would hatch on Wed the 26th. But yesterday was rainy and cold so I didn’t want to open the box. When I checked this AM, there they were, 5 beautiful BB babies! They appear to be several days old, so I’m guessing they were hatched Sun. or Mon. I counted from the final egg (#5) and not the first. Please tell me which is correct. Anyway, all is well and mom and pop are busy bringing vittles to the box. I mowed grass near the box this afternoon, and they sure get nervous!
            Tammy, the nest in the second box is still vacant, so I’m guessing the BB built that nest also and then opted for the other location.

            BZ–W. Ctrl MO.


              You got it. Count from the final egg.

              Congrats on the hatching!

              Atlanta, GA

              BZ–W Ctrl MO

                The final egg on the 12th and hatch on the 24th or 25th. 12 or 13 days?!!



                  That sounds about right. Really warm temps can make them hatch even earlier. If it’s cool the hatch date can be delayed.

                  Incubation typically begins on the day the last egg is laid so I always count that as day 1.

                  In any case, the 25th is day 14 and they should hatch right around then.

                  Atlanta, GA

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