Never have ever had hatchlings past June! Happy to report 3 of 4 out safe and sound from their shells this morning and looking great. Praying the weather stays decent, still not getting my hopes up but it’s still thrilling!!!
Good news, Lisa – yes our temps are down this week also. I’m putting in my order for 10,000 worms in a moment. We just went through 10,000 in a couple of months, but with the previous juveniles and this new group of 4 which fledged a few days ago, I really need to win the lottery! And I am really conservative about feeding the worms.
Thanks all! Today I saw that sad thing where mom chased off one of her previous brood from the feeder. There were plenty of worms but I guess she’s looking out for those babies.
So today they are 2 days old and the 10 day forecast is all in the 80’s! I have lived in South Alabama for over 25 years and have never seen august highs in the 80’s! So MAYBE they have a chance! Perhaps they knew this and I didn’t?
One not hatched as of this morning so it will be another group of 3 barring any predators or illness.
My first 4th nesting.
Keep watching for the older siblings. Mama may try to chase them sometimes, but they may just bounce back. Then it is possible that you may see an older fledgling help feed the nestlings. That is one of the joys of bluebirds!