I can’t believe this pair! They are crazy. I had an initial nesting in early April where she laid 5 eggs that never hatched if you recall. She abandoned the nest after discarding the eggs herself on day 25. She then built the very next day and eventually laid 5 eggs of which 4 hatched and fledged. The day after that fledging she began building again. She had 4 eggs and all 4 successfully fledged. They fledged on Tuesday. Well, low and behold here it is Thursday and she is building again! I’ve been watching her all morning while Dad bombs around trying to keep the latest brood fat and happy! So technically this would be her 4th brood although she may not count the failed attempt in April. I have never had a nesting so late and never had 4 broods. The neighbor across the street had 4 broods two years ago though. Never underestimate these birds. I must have good nesting and hunting grounds!!
How exciting 4 nestings in one season. I was wondering how late they might start a new nest. Looks like you will have eggs in August. Enjoy your extended bluebird season!!!
Thats encouraging. My latest brood fledged today, i didn’t think to clean the box, just peeked in and returned to yardwork.
I did have 4 nesting attempts, had a male killed by a hawk 4 April amidst nest building(no eggs laid). I would be floored if my current pair tried to nest again, they raised these last two sets successfully back to back.
Have decent habitat here but not many people putting up bluebird boxes.