Been fun to watch my blues this past week or 10 days. I have switched to peanut butter suet instead of live worms, and as always, they are a bit stubborn at first – they WANT those worms! Well, as I had none and no intention of buying any more until spring, I just waited and watched. After a day or two papa blue was taking a few nibbles at the suet. Then a few juveniles were doing the same, but never much at once. Well, our winter birds (Juncos and white-crowned sparrows) showed up and found my feeder bowl. All of a sudden those blues decided THEY wanted that suet and have been chasing off everything else! Of course, now when they get their fill those winter birds are right there. I love the little Juncos, but they do eat a lot! And of course, HOSP showed up again and a pair was being nosy at one of my boxes, so I set my Van-Ert and caught it, but it got away. Grrr…………….