HOSP Tragedy

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    Sad to report that I have had my first encounter with a HOSP pair that suddenly appeared this after noon. While I was putting food in my hanging nut feeder I heard the bluebirds chirping up a storm and saw the female pull a HOSP male out of the box to the ground. They both fluttered around and the male HOSP flew off into the trees with the male and female BB in pursuit. I went out to the nestbox and found the entire clutch of eggs on the ground. They were about 2 days from hatch.

    I have been out on the deck watching for a good shot at the hosp but the blues seem to be keeping them away.

    Would it be advisable to get a trap in the box now to try to catch both the male and female HOSP? Should I clean out the old nest.(I seems to be in good condition- no egg residue or mess inside the box).

    Sorry for the photos – but this is what the HOSP can do in a very few minutes.

    Stafford, VA


      David. I found it!! Yay!
      So sorry. That is so hard!! Such a shame!! Stupid House Sparrows!!



      Thanks Tammy. I am now ready for the next attempt. I have the materials for the Sparrow spooker and might try it with the fish line addition.. I also am going to put up a dummy box near the neighbors yard where I believe the HOSP lives. have a Van Ert for that one.

      Stafford, VA


        Get ’em!!


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