Home Forums Bluebird Chatter HOSPS…..

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      Hello all! Long time no post. After a 2 year hiatus a nesting pair of EABLs have taken up residence in one of our two boxes. There’s an ever persistent male HOSP that has started a harem I think in the other box (we addressed one female but now he’s back with another). Should I leave it open and continue to try and trap him there or plug it? I’m afraid if I plug it he’ll get much more aggressive with the EABLs who are doing a darn good job of keeping him on the defense. He’s just been very elusive to trap….argh! Needless to say, once we take care of that issue we’ll definitely plug the other house as we made the mistake of allowing HOWRs to nest there – BIG mistake hence the 2 year hiatus.

      Thanks in advance!


        I think you should continue trying to trap him. I’m in the same boat.



          Hi Deb! Do your EABL have eggs yet? Spooker? Sorry. That’s probably a silly question.

          Atlanta, GA


            Not a silly question at all Gin! We haven’t checked today but as of yesterday – not yet but that’s next. We “evicted” another female HOSP and the male hasn’t been bothering the EABLs as much today but as soon as we see eggs, we’re putting a spooker on the roof of that house.


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