Nesting news update

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  • #8172

      Well the Chickadees fledged May 8th and the Bluebirds did yesterday. There is still no sign of the Tree Swallows. Nor the Prothonotary Warblers but I did hear a male off in the distance yesterday. This has been a bad year for House Wrens here for some reason. They usually disappear after a week or two in the begining of May. I have discouraged 3 from coming around so far but have heard another pretty close the yesterday. No Robin nest or Mourning Dove and not sure about the Mocking Bird in the Spruce Tree though an adult still hangs around chasing off Starlings that dare come around. Well thats it for now.

      When the new wears off the old shines through

      When The New Wears Off The Old Shines Through.

      Carol – Mid-Mo.

        Congrats on all your fledgings – that is a lot to keep tract of, Renee. I love to keep track of my blues, rid the HOSP, etc. but also love flower gardening and volunteer work, which is getting back on tract now. Thanks for the updates.

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