Nesting Update with some good news

Home Forums Bluebird Chatter Nesting Update with some good news

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      Well what can be said about a wacky nesting year. The tree Swallow female spent 1 day building her nest then never returned. The male came a few times after she went missing then stopped. The Blues took over that box instead of using the one they’ve always used and now have their nest built in there. No eggs yet as of this afternoon.

      I left both of the finished Prothonotary Warblers nests in the boxes and a pair has claimed the Gilbertson Box. She added some new nesting material to it and now there are 5 eggs. I did not put the wren guard on the box. Afraid of rejection like the earlier. Since I have never (knock on wood) seen or heard house wrens this late in May hoping all should be safe.

      I believe a Mourning Dove has a nest in the Redbud tree but it is so high up I cant monitor it.

      So thats it for now.

      When the new wears off the old shines through

      When The New Wears Off The Old Shines Through.


      Congratulations on the nests and activity.

      Stafford, VA

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