Nestings Update

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      Hi all, the blues have nested in the TRES’s box. Put the spooker on but not too sure how many little ones are in there since I broke my square shaped mirror a few years ago. I only have a small round one now and the view isn’t all that great.

      The Dees have picked the box that the Prothonotary Warblers usually nest in this year. Seems that they have switched boxes. The nestlings are old enough that today I removed the Wren Guard. They are so cute I could just hold them but don’t worry I always resist it. In past years the Dee’s have fledged in April so they are late this year.

      The Prothonotary Warblers have built their nest in the box that the Dees usually nest in. I haven’t checked it since I haven’t been able to catch the female leaving it.

      The Redbud tree that the Robins had nested in in past years was blown over last summer during a bad storm we had blow through so no nestings so far this year. I’d post a photo but I do not have PhotoBucket anymore since they made all of those “charge you for everything” changes to their site.

      Well that’s about it for now hope everyone is having a good nesting season. Bye for now.

      Oh I forgot to mention had a house wren come by and had to let it know just how much it was unwelcome. It flew off to a better location.

      When the new wears off the old shines through

      When The New Wears Off The Old Shines Through.

      blue diamonds

        Enjoyed reading your update for the season. You have a lot going on in your yard. Got a real chuckle out of your last line about the unwanted house wren. I had a pair here shopping boxes, I closed off the entrance for 2 days. They went on their way and I have not heard their annoying chatter since. Yay!

        Judy – Michigan


          Enjoyed reading your update! I bet in the mornings there’s alot of bird activity going on!

          Dana in PA

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