new blues in the sky

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    Carol – Mid-Mo.

      Yesterday my four 2nd nesters flew the coop into the wild, blue younder! We have had so many storms and rain in the past few weeks that I was scared they would try to fledge in one of the storms and of course, not make it. My prayers were answered and they are in the large ash trees in our yard, close to our home I believe, although I have not actually seen them, only watched as parents took mouth full of worms up into the trees.

      Speaking of worms, I got my new shipment of 10,000 today and just in time, as I was almost completely out. Once in a while the juveniles from nest 1 show up, but usually the parents shoo them off, but they can eat a bunch in a minute or two. I had to ship by 1-day air because of the heat and they arrived in good shape, and large.


      Wish I was closer Carol. I have 2 drawers with a total of around 6000+ worms with 3500 more in my refrigerator. And I have around 8000 more small ones growing with 2 other drawers with many eggs incubating. Would like to share. My second brood should fledge on the 4tn.

      Stafford, VA

      Carol – Mid-Mo.

        David, you have done very well with your worm project – yes, we are quite a distance away. Hope your 2nd nesters fledge okay – really a relief when they do as we are pretty much out of the picture after that happens – parents do the teaching. I usually have a 3rd nest – don’t have a clue if that will happen yet.

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