New nest

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      After mine and the Bluebirds experience with the Chickadees, Mama Blue built another nest and as of today despite the freezing overnight temps she laid her third egg today. I am so very happy.
      On another note the bear gave us a visit last night and knocked down my mealworm feeder. My husband stood it back up, but it is not overly secure. As long as it doesn’t interfere with my Blues I will be thrilled.
      It is snowing here right now.

      Carol – Mid-Mo.

        Connie, that’s great that your blues built and have 3 eggs. Yes, these spring temps are about to drive me bananas, between my 5 blue eggs I have some nice clematis vines and fairly new rose bushes I have been covering during the last two freezes a few days ago. Well, there were no more freeze warnings for later this week, so I took off my coverings! It is just too cold & windy right now to do anything about it – they will just have to take care of themselves.

        P.S., my mama blue seems to be incubating okay – good thing or those eggs would probably not survive. The eggs are one week old today.


          Wow bears! We don’t have them in this part of Pennsylvania thankfully. I hope and pray they don’t mess with your bluebirds. From what I have heard they can completely destroy a nest box. It’s good to hear the bluebirds are trying again however. Best of luck this time.

          blue diamonds

            Connie, glad mama blue has a new nest going. Hope this one works out. The weather is starting to change for the better too. I’m so glad we don’t have to worry about bears here….yikes, they are so big scary! Good luck.



            Good luck with you nest. Temps are a bit cool for this time of the year but the blues seem to know when it it okay to nest.

            Stafford, VA


              Carol, Mama laid 5 eggs and as of today she is sitting on them. The weather has been crazy, we had snow last week and more predicted for tomorrow night. Mama definitely has her work cut out for her.
              I have Clematis up and a couple rose bushes in leaves, plus the hydrangeas are bursting through the ground. Sure hope this is the end of this nonsense.

              Carol – Mid-Mo.

                Connie, glad you have 5 eggs and mama is during her job. Yes, that cold snap we had last week was hard on everything, but today was very nice, close to 70 degrees. I have not seen my mama blue today, but I have been busy doing some gardening, so probably just missed her. But I am going to check the box tomorrow – these eggs are due to hatch this Friday, April 24. Hope all here have good luck with this first nesting.


                  Dana, I didn’t know there was a place in PA that didn’t have bears. I thought the Lancaster area was one of the best bear hunting areas in the state. We definitely have them here, in fact one bit our dog summer before last. He survived because my husband scared the bear off.
                  I know they are a great danger to the Bluebirds, and I am hoping that since he or she did not find any food it will not return.
                  Thanks for the good wishes, I hope my new babies all make it this time.


                    Hi Judy, I too am hoping this clutch of eggs survives. Bears are no fun to deal with, but as a rule I see them from a distance. I worry about my Blues but I cannot control nature. I just hope the bear does not return.

                    Weather is not improving too much here. We had a couple days in the low 50’s, but they are calling for rain, with possible snow for this area tomorrow.

                    Carol – Mid-Mo.

                      You all can keep those bears in PA – all I have to deal with here in Missouri are HOSP & outdoor cats – guess we are lucky, huh!


                        David, as of now there are 5 eggs in the nest. Mama is brooding them, and tonight is going to be a real test for her, as temps are going to drop to the mid 20’s. I hope all the eggs make it through this. We had white out conditions several times today, after being in the 50’s yesterday. It has been a crazy Spring up this way.
                        Hope all is OK down you way. Keep well.


                          Well Carol I guess there are several ways to look at our situations, but one can be as deadly as the other. HOSP can be a daily problem and bears about a once a week or longer danger. If there is no food source they generally just pass through, but I think the path to the mealworm feeder had my scent from going back and forth, it probably thought there was something there to eat. Hopefully he will stay away now that he left here empty handed.

                          Carol – Mid-Mo.

                            Connie, my blues’ 5 eggs made it through 3 freezes – was really worried but I saw her coming off and in the nest several times today, so I believe all is well. I have faith that your mama blue is doing the same – that maternal instinct is very strong. Good luck.


                              Carol, I did see Mama going in and out today, it was cold and blustery all day only made it up to 41 degrees, but she is hanging in there.
                              Now the next 4 days are going to have rain showers. I hope the weather starts improving soon, for the birds and the humans.
                              Keep well,

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