No hatch

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      This is my second clutch this year. First one went off without a hitch the second one unfortunately four out of five eggs have not hatched. Granted I’m only a few days overdue but I am worried a little bit. Mom and dad are taking good care of the one that has hatched. How long should I wait before giving up on the other 4

      Carol – Mid-Mo.

        Paul, welcome to this forum – we are here to help each other as best we can.

        A lot depends on when the first egg hatched – was it 1 day ago, 2 days or what? Usually they are only a day or two apart, but weird things do happen. I would leave the other eggs alone for a few days and see what happens. Are you sure this one was a bluebird and not a “drop in”? Sometimes the parent will dispose of an egg that is not viable and then sometimes they leave them in the nest, but this would only be if it were one egg or so left. It would be very strange for that many not to hatch, but then like I mentioned, weird things happen. Keep us informed.


          There are so many reasons why eggs don’t hatch but most of the time there is something wrong with the eggs and you can’t help that. Sometimes temperatures come into play if there is extreme heat or cold.

          First clutch here 2 out of 5 hatched. Of course it didn’t matter since a wren came along and removed everything. Given a chance, I probably would have removed the unhatched 3 after a week. IF it’s just one I tend to leave that and let the birds decide.

          Atlanta, GA


            Hello and happy 4th so the 4 eggs never hatch and the mom or dad removed them. I have been doing my reports to Cornwell through nest was and I am happy to say the one baby is doing great but it’s at the point that I don’t want to check anymore as he will be fledgling any day… I think this may have been first time mom and dad

            Thanks for your help

            Carol – Mid-Mo.

              Paul, glad the parents removed the 4 eggs which did not hatch – very strange that many were bad, but great the one is doing well. Do not open the box if it is close to fledging (usually not after day 12) – and at least one will be “a new blue in the sky.” Gin gave you some good thoughts. Glad to hear from you, Gin, but sorry to hear the wren got your eggs.


                yes I would not want the little fella running around my yard to early. this is my 10th year of bluebirds/ chickadee’s nesting .. this year in my chickadee box I found 7 eggs and yes one did not look like the other :( it was a cowbird egg and then I realized that the cowbird had broken all the chickadee’s eggs …I cant tell you how unhappy I was … sometimes nature sucks .. I am just glad I don’t have starlings here I might get one more hatch this year I don’t know Depends when the current residence move out fingers crossed ..

                Thanks again

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