Please Introduce Yourself!

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      Latigo! Hi! The forum is really really slow since we’ve moved. I keep hoping people find it again….maybe this coming nesting season it will happen. So glad to hear from you.



        Lat!!!! Oh I have missed you! How is the fam? All of them. And you. Updates please. I thought of your mom last week when I went looking in my stuff for the darning egg. Couldn’t find the thing.

        This is December, my man. Spring? What’s that? It’s so far off I can’t even think about it.

        Atlanta, GA


          Hello, everyone! My name is Randy, and I am an avid bluebirder who lives in New Hampshire. I am new to the forum, and I look forward to learning and sharing along with all of you. Thank you for allowing me to join the group!

          Bedford, New Hampshire


          Welcome to the group. Where in NH are you located?

          David in Stafford, VA

          Stafford, VA


            Bedford, NH. Just outside of Manchester. Did my undergraduate work at Dartmouth (about 100 years ago), and my family and I have lived back here for the past 11 years. Heaven!

            Bedford, New Hampshire


              Welcome to the group Randy!
              Darrell in KC


                Thank you, Darrell!

                Bedford, New Hampshire


                Know where you are. We lived in Windham for 5 years in the 70s. Had a vacation place up in Sanbornville while I was in the Air Force. Our daughter-in-law lives in Northwood. Do you still have snow?

                Stafford, VA


                  The snow is all but gone. My office is in Boston, but when I left the house this morning there were just a few small traces, where I had piled up the snow with the Kubota. 55 degrees and sunny, today, so when I get home I expect nothing but grass! We have a flock of approx. 22 bluebirds that spend the winter, and both nestboxes on the property have already been claimed. Early spring…

                  Bedford, New Hampshire


                    Hi, Randay. Welcome. This forum moved about a year ago and many of the people haven’t moved with us so it’s a little slow right now but probably will pick up with nesting season starting. Glad you’re here.



                      Thanks, Tammy! Pleasure to meet you. Blizzard conditions, here in NH, so I completely empathize with those among us who are less-than-motivated to post. At this time of year, the “Christmas card” outside my window is rather depressing. Brighter days ahead!

                      Bedford, New Hampshire


                        Your weather is worse than ours.



                          Hello Fellow Bluebird Lovers:
                          My name is Connie (Sassy42) and I live in Western Pennsylvania. My husband put up my first bluebird box last spring and I was lucky enough to get a pair of bluebird. I spent hours watching them and learned some amazing things. I am so looking forward to them returning and along with my first bluebird house, we have now added another and hopefully there will be two pair sharing their time with us. I saw a pair a few weeks ago, and the male checked out the newest box, the female was in a tree, he ate a couple mealworms and moved on. I have not seen one since. I am keeping my fingers crossed that now that it is warming up I may get my renters back. Have any of you in my neck of the woods seen or managed to get a nesting pair yet?


                            Welcome, Connie. I doubt that anyone has a nesting pair around you right now but they are shopping for boxes. Glad to have you here. The numbers of this group fluctuate from year to year. Right now it’s kind of small. How close are your 2 boxes? Bluebirds are territorial and normally like to be 300 feet apart from each other. Sometimes they don’t follow that rule but that’s the norm. It does help if they are not in view of each other. Example, one box in the backyard and one box in the front yard. But you can get other species in your second box like tree swallows, and chickadees



                              Greetings, Connie, and welcome! As Tammy stated, it’s a bit early for our “northern eastern blues”. I am in New Hampshire on 3 acres, with a mix of open and wooded land. Two nest boxes, 75 yards apart, separated by our house which has a large footprint. Nest boxes are not in view of each other. One is a Gilbertson box, one is the more traditional cedar variety. I have a flock of 22 bluebirds that stay year round, and although both boxes appear to have been claimed, there are ongoing territorial disputes over them, and no pair has actually started building anything. The house finch population has completed numerous nests, and they are all ready to lay eggs. The local red-bellied woodpecker pair threw some sort of wild housewarming party ’til all hours last night at their nest box. Loud. So I have some activity, but we are still damp and chilly up here, and the blues seem to be waiting it out, a bit.

                              Bedford, New Hampshire

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