Second Hatch

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    We have 4 new hatchling this morning. They appear to be hungry. Mama and Papa have been in and out of the box with food already this afternoon.

    Stafford, VA


      Congratulations, David! Hungry, indeed! Or singing. Or protesting, in unison, the runaway pricing of live mealworms in the market… Yeah, probably hungry.

      Bedford, New Hampshire


        Waiting for my third brood to hatch…Should be in 2 days. I have been awful this year with a broken ankle and couldn’t get the wren guard or styrofoam roof up. Thank goodness temps went from the 90’s to 80’s this week..


        Take care of that ankle Lisa. The birds will be okay. Our temps are going the other way. They are calling for 9 or 10 days in the 90’s with little chance of rain to cool things down. This batch should fledge on July 14 the day we head off for a week in Michigan visiting lighthouses and attending a Handbell Directors Seminar in Grand Rapids. I hope they go early so I can clean out the box before we leave.

        Stafford, VA


        Day 6 was too hot for me to bother the young ones. I sat on my deck with the camera waiting for one of the parents to land with food. Went through 2 glasses of iced tea and dealt with the 92 degrees heat until the papa bird landed with what looks like a larva of some sort.

        Stafford, VA


          Good going David. My clutch of 6 will be fledging soon, they are hanging out of the house now. I think it is from the heat but this is day 14 so they are getting crowded and anxious for their next adventure. Great picture of Papa.
          Connie (PA)


            Ouch Lisa. So sorry to hear about that ankle, and glad the blues did OK without the extra work. I know that makes you feel better to know all went well without the wren guard and Styrofoam. Our temps have been hot too and our cool down is due this weekend, along with the fledge. Take care of yourself, and congrats on the third brood.
            Connie (PA)


            Day 10. Almost 15 degrees cooler (76 vs 92) than last week. So I decided to get a last photo before fledge day. They must be enjoying the cool weather. They didn’t bother to wake up when I opened the box. The feathers of the one on top suggest a possible male.

            Stafford, VA


              Not too much longer for those babies! I have my third nest with eggs. I’m assuming it’s from my main pair but it’s odd because she has a baby in another nest that isn’t quite ready to fledge. I’ve never had that happen.
              And my other pair in the back is starting on a second nest. I’m assuming it’s the same pair but they are using a different box that had tree swallows in it previously. The box that those bluebirds previously used Now have new tree swallow eggs which is kind of late for tree swallows!! A lot of my tree swallows have already left. It is getting so confusing!

              • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by tamsea.


              Carol – Mid-Mo.

                Wow, Tammy, sounds like you have had a lot of activity there – good for you & the blues! My 2nd nesters just hatched on July 4 (Wednesday) and they are doing great, growing a lot. I’m not sure if I will get another nest or not, as it is getting a little late, but whatever will be, will be!

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