
Home Forums Bluebird Chatter Success!

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      Came home from being out of town for work to find 5 bluebird eggs!

      In a Peterson house with the NABS approved stovepipe baffle. I was beginning to worry, the nest had been completed for a few days without eggs, at least as of a week ago. Now I’ll be here to monitor it.


      Carol – Mid-Mo.

        Isn’t that a beautiful sight – Congrats Chris – Have an idea when mama started incubating so you will know hatch date? Do you have a sparrow spooker up – also wren guard if you have wrens in your area? The sparrow spooker is a must – check out some of the posts on this forum. Stovepipe baffle is a good thing – glad you have it for the crawling critters. Hope everything goes smoothly.


          I checked on the nest this afternoon (Saturday), so it is possible with 5 eggs that the first was laid on Tuesday. I was gone since Sunday, and i assume eggs get laid in the morning.

          I do have a sparrow spooker, I used it last year. I read that you should put it up after 1st egg is laid, do you think the bluebirds will accept it now? I’ll read the other posts.


          blue diamonds

            What a nice surprise after being away. I would put the sparrow spooker up pronto. Keep your eye on the nest to make sure they will accept it. You can clip some of the ribbons together to make it less scary, then after they have accepted, release. Good luck.

            Judy – Michigan


            Great news, Chris. Like the photo.

            Stafford, VA



              Sparrow spooker is up. I installed it yesterday as soon as i could, but then took it down – it was so breezy the red mylar was flapping like crazy, seemed to be keeping the bluebirds away.

              This morning the air was calmer, so I reinstalled it. Mom and dad were in the tree, and the male was flycatching, eating bugs. The female, perched on the spooker, then the box, then left and was checking out another box. Finally, she fluttered in front of the box with the spooker, perched at the hole and went in, so i think they have accepted it.

              I can’t tell you how nervous i was worried about them!


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