Surprise visit by bluebirds today‼️

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  • #7794
    blue diamonds

      To my delight I saw 3 male bluebirds today. I have never seen any during the winter before. This year has been unusual, we have no snow and today’s temps were in the 50’s. Spotted mr. blue getting a drink from the birdbath. Then he flew into a tree to join the other two. I have suet and dried mealworms out. I hope to see them again. Spring will be coming soon.

      Also, saw a male Carolina wren the day before……this bird has never been seen in my yard before. The joys of birding.

      Judy – Michigan

      Carol – Mid-Mo.

        Judy, glad you got to see your bluebirds! I have had my usual pair all winter and the past week I have had about 5 or 6, I’m sure some juveniles from last nest. I put suet out twice a day in each of 2 cage feeders, and all the birds (BBs, white crowned sparrows, juncos, and of course HOSP) come and devour the suet in a few minutes. Plus we have a black-oiled sunflower feeder in the back yard, which draw lots of cardinals and others. Yes, the weather here in Mid-Missouri has been very weird, also. we have had one really cold spell but mostly very mild, but breezy, days. Spring will be here soon!


          I usually have mine all winter long but we’ve been gone some I. The winter and so they have gotten out of the habit of eating at my place. 😣


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