Will swallows build on top of a chickadee moss nest? Chickadees abandoned the box and swallow pair has been in and out for days but no nest yet. Should i remove the moss?
Thwy sure seem to be acting like they’re serious. They’ve been in and out since Friday morning and the male was fighting off another male one day. Oh well. We’ll see what happens.
I agree. But I would probably just move it. Sometimes birds are hesitant when they see another nest. I think your mind would be more at rest if you removed it…if you are anything like me.
I gave up on the swallows after almost 2 weeks of not seeing them….and then suddenly today they are back at the box! Hope they stick around this time. Now that the weather is warm in PA, perhaps they’re finally ready. If I can’t get bluebirds this is second best for me.
Everybody, including TRES, slows down nesting activity when the food supply is scarce. Since TRES feed completely in the air, they have to wait until insects are flying. Your cool weather is probably what delayed them.