What's up with no nests

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      Well this year is looking to be a real bust nest wise here in Corntown. No BBs or DEEs or TRES so far. I know Dees are nesting somewhere since I saw one taking the cat fur I put out. And not a single BB sighting for over 2 months now. It’s looking to be a nestless yard so far this year. Maybe I’ll get a PROW later on.

      When the new wears off the old shines through

      When The New Wears Off The Old Shines Through.

      The Original Bluebird Nut

        :Tantrum: That really stinks, Renee. Maybe they’ll come back for their second round. Of course, I don’t have anything here yet, either, but then we just had 6″ of snow over the weekend!

        Central NY
        TMB Studios


          Renee, I didn’t have a single nest in a box last year. Strangely enough, it was kind of peaceful!

          Atlanta, GA

          Carol – Mid-Mo.

            Renee, my blues are VERY slow this year also. My first pair which I had about 6 years always had a nest built by mid to late March. This newer pair usually has a nest built by April 6-7, but we have had a very cool snap this past week or more so this may be why they haven’t finished the nest which they have started and are guarding. There is some nesting material but not a lot yet. But they are around, so I have high hopes. Good luck.


              Gin I think a year of peace just might be nice now that I think about it lol

              When the new wears off the old shines through

              When The New Wears Off The Old Shines Through.


                Cher burr it’s been kind of cold here too the last week or so but no snow

                When the new wears off the old shines through

                When The New Wears Off The Old Shines Through.


                  Carol I spotted a male BB about 1 1/2 months ago singing and on one of the houses for a couple of days but never saw him with a female and haven’t seen a BB since or heard one for that matter.

                  When the new wears off the old shines through

                  When The New Wears Off The Old Shines Through.

                  The Original Bluebird Nut

                    This is what it looked like in our back yard on Sunday morning, Renee…

                    April snow

                    Central NY
                    TMB Studios

                    Carol – Mid-Mo.

                      Cher, you need to move to the Mid-West or warmer!!! Is that an arbor or pergola that fell down from the snow? BUMMER!

                      The Original Bluebird Nut

                        Actually, the arbor fell over a couple of weeks ago in a windstorm. That’s the second time this year. The first time, the top two tiers of the fountain were blown over, and the birdbath overturned, too. The arbor is even staked into the ground. Time for longer stakes, I guess.

                        Central NY
                        TMB Studios

                        Carol – Mid-Mo.

                          Cher, I have a pergola (large arbor type) in my backyard perennial garden which DH made 10 years ago. The 4×4 posts are cemented into the ground because of its size and all the wind we have, and it has survived lots of storms other items have not here. Maybe longer stakes will help yours.
                          Just have to post pic of this garden in 2014, as last year was a horrible year for plants & gardens here. If you zoom in you can see it better. Some of my BB boxes are in this area.

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