
Home Forums Bluebird Chatter wrens

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  • #27382
    Carol – Mid-Mo.

      What can you do when a wren lays an egg – didn’t notice the wren twigs soon enough and an egg has been deposited. I know we are not legally supposed to harm these – I have just left the box open for now – hoping they will just abandon this nest. Any ideas?
      I have 4 (or now 5) bluebird eggs in a different nest quite a distance from this wren’s nest – I am concerned this wren will do harm to these bluebird eggs.


        I have no legal ideas.



          This is probably too late for a solution for you but my father in law says in the spring that wrens arrive before blues. In order to save a nest box from those cute little stinkin wrens he puts tape on the entrance hole until he is sure Blues have arrived.

          I just tried this with a box I cleaned out yesterday after the blues had their first batch of babies. A Wren was starting to bring sticks into the box so I taped the hole to discourage him. I have a dedicated Wren box on the other side of the yard that the Wrens just fledged from and I cleaned out. Hoping this works. Unfortunately with an egg present discouragement is not the proper solution.

          Tim C. WI/MI border.

          Carol – Mid-Mo.

            Thanks, Tim & Tammy- my usual fight against wrens after they have started is to keep taking out their twigs and they will continue to keep trying to build a nest. BUT you need to keep making them bring in more sticks and NOT let them lay an egg!!! They can do a lot of damage just like HOSP can – difference is of course they are a protected species which you cannot harm.
            P.S. I actually have fun keeping those wrens busy finding & depositing their sticks – just need to be vigilant about not letting them build nest & then lay an egg!


              Same here. My yard’s BB little guys fledged on Sunday. I cleaned out the box and the stinkin wren keeps piling sticks inside. I’m about to give up and let them have it since I don’t see or hear the Blues in the yard at all. Keeping my fingers crossed. One more day of stick dumping then I’m out of town for five days. Upon return I expect eggs to appear so I’ll settle with the little stinkers.

              Tim C. WI/MI border.


                As long as we are on the Wren subject I will say the little jerks are entertaining to watch. I think I’ve frustrated my Wren enough with dumping their stick. This afternoon they started hauling sticks in the box they were in the last month. At one point he had a Y shaped stick trying to put it through a very small entrance. I think it is the minimum size for a Wren. For close to 15 minutes he tried every which way to get the whole stick inside. He was noticeably frustrated making interesting noises when the stick would fall on the ground. He never did get it completely inside. Right now I’m debating whether to help him out by snapping the one leg off that’s sticking out of the hole. Little stinker doesn’t deserve my help but I’m probably going to weaken!

                Tim C. WI/MI border.

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