Reply To: HOSP invasion

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Carol – Mid-Mo.

    Deb has a good idea, Scott, about doing this on a weekend, early morning or after you are home from work. About an hour before dark is good time to catch them, I find – however, early morning is probably better, from daybreak to about 1-2 hours after. When/if you do catch a bird, Deb’s instructions are on target. If you use a clear plastic bag or WalMart sack (or white net laundry bag) when the bird flies up into the bag and you secure it with your hand around the bag, you can actually see what it is easily. I have learned to do this by myself, although to start with it is easier with 2 people. If I don’t have clear bag I just use regular plastic sack that is big enough to go over the box. After you secure the bird with your hand, being gentle until you know what it is, you can fold the sack back to see it, and if it is HOSP, just close sack back up & humanely dispose of it. If it is BB or other native just turn lose, and they will fly away, usually without any trauma.