Reply To: Those sneaky, blasted wrens!! Been a hard season . . .

Home Forums Bluebird Chatter Those sneaky, blasted wrens!! Been a hard season . . . Reply To: Those sneaky, blasted wrens!! Been a hard season . . .

Carol – Mid-Mo.

    Thanks, Cher – forgive me I am trying again.
    wrenAttack I DID IT! Do you all see that egg in the upper right corner – like seeing a fetus – really made me sick. I won’t post any more pics of this, but at least I finally got it. I have posted other pics but always got small ones. On the upside & downside note for this pair, they have built a new nest in the past 2-3 days, no egg yet. BUT it is in the box where this stupid wren had been claiming while the blues were in the box across the yard. So, I’m afraid the same thing will happen. All I can do is try to protect it with wren guard and my evil eye and fast legs to chase it off! And at 70+ years of age, mind you, this would not be easy!