5 Eggs and none have hatched – about 22 days of brooding

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      I also have 5 eggs that have not hatched. I have been keeping daily records. Incubation began on April 19. Both Ma and Pa Blue are still guarding the nest and Mama Blue is faithfully incubating. One egg disappeared from the box on May 10 – most likely a house wren. We still have four eggs. It was recommended that I mark an “X” on unhatched eggs with felt tip marker in the event that Mama Blue would lay another batch of eggs in with the current batch, we would know which eggs to remove. At this point, we are guessing the eggs are unfertilized and are not going to hatch…I am in a dilemma and have been trying to decide whether or not to remove the eggs. After reading this post, I guess I just leave the eggs alone for now and wait and see what happens.


        The X is so that you know mom is turning them as well.

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