Deluxe Repeating Sparrow Trap Information

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      Thank you Chris! I will be putting it up tomorrow then!

      Thanks again,


        I had just been using millet feed for a while and had decent success trapping sparrows. Had no luck the past few weeks, and switched to feeding white bread and caught three the first day! Just goes to show you have to keep mixing it up to find what works.


          Well, we just received our DRST today. (Wow, fast delivery!!! Ordered it on Thursday). Didn’t put it out yet. I have all the food ready to go. So,just when you think you are in control of Mother Nature, SURPRISE!! a Red Tail Hawk or some other kind swooped down and caught something. We were so worried for about two hours until we saw the mother, the father, and one baby and then about half hour ago we saw the second baby, so all bluebirds accounted for.😊
          Does anyone have any ideas about what to do with Hawk attacks? I’ll try posting this in another place as well.



            The only thing I can think of regarding hawks is remove feeders but that’s about it. They do hunt where the prey is and there isn’t much you can do about that. What I really don’t like is when they take an incubating female. That’s the worst. I wish they could be taught to take only HOSP, EUST and HOWR.

            Atlanta, GA


              You might have to put your traps away at times ybecause the Hawks are drawn to traps. You can cover the holding area of the trap so the hawk can’t see the bird in the holding area but that’s what draws in other HOSP. If I have a hawk interested I just cover the entire trap for a few days so he’ll lose interest. But they never really forget that it’s there.



                Hello All! I’ve had the trap now for about 3.5 weeks.

                The first two weeks I had it in a location where I’d seen HOSP on a regular basis, and tried a variety of baits with no success.

                I then moved it to sit on top of one of my bluebird houses (with a board underneath). In alot of ways I hate this location, and am terrified that I’m going to catch a BB. But so far I’ve not even seen a BB close to it, and instead have actually started catching HOSP! Not in the numbers that some folks on here talk about, but most days I catch one or two, which is enough to make me happy. I may move it again shortly though, and see if I can find a spot near my bird feeders for it.

                Couple questions. Is it worth trying to maintain more than one bait bird? Does having multiple birds in the trap help draw in more? Does male or female make a difference?

                I have one male HOSP, who’s determined to nest in that BB house. And he’s completely undeterred by the trap sitting on top of it. Infact, over the weekend I trapped another male in it, and the original male spent all day attacking the trap, till I euthanised the trapped male. Now he’s gone back to ignoring the trap completely (there’s a female HOSP in it now).

                I’m really hoping I can reduce my local HOSP population enough to have BBs nesting successfully again. I’ve only had one successful nesting since the summer of 2012!


                  Hi Ruth!
                  Sounds like you need a Van-ert trap
                  for the male
                  They are worth every penny
                  I seem to have the best luck with 2-3
                  sparrows in the trap-all female
                  I have caught @ 150 in 10 months with
                  my drst
                  I am hoping to get another one soon
                  Good Luck
                  Darrell in KC


                    I have one actually, but the whole one bird at a time thing was getting to me. But yah, it doesn’t look like he’s going to climb into the repeating trap. Which I moved to under my feeders last night, and this morning had 10 birds in it!

                    I’ve got euthanasia questions, and I see that general discussion of that isn’t allowed in this thread, is there another place for it?


                      It can be discussed I think as long as you don’t use graphic details
                      I use a small cage and a bucket of water
                      Cheap and effective
                      Good Luck
                      Darrell in KC


                        Sialis. org has lots of good hosp info




                            Hi, Ruth. Personally I find that both males and females draw more HOSP in the trap. I don’t see a difference. And it seems that the more birds I have in there the more HOSP I attract. They all want to join the fun. Now is a great time to trap because there are fledglings.
                            Like Darrell suggested, You almost have to use a van Ert trap if you have a HOSP that has zeroed in on one of your boxes. The repeating trap is for the general HOSP population. Yep… it’s best if you remove that trap off the nestbox.

                            I’d be glad to talk about disposing of the HOSP. I’ll personal message you tomorrow.



                              Hi, Ruth. Personally I find that both males and females draw more HOSP in the trap. I don’t see a difference. And it seems that the more birds I have in there the more HOSP I attract. They all want to join the fun. Now is a great time to trap because there are fledglings.
                              Like Darrell suggested, You almost have to use a van Ert trap if you have a HOSP that has zeroed in on one of your boxes. The repeating trap is for the general HOSP population. Yep… it’s best if you remove that trap off the nestbox.

                              I’d be glad to talk about disposing of the HOSP. I’ll personal message you tomorrow.



                                I’m so distracted lately and forgot about my promise to get back with you. I sent you a PM. If you feel comfortable calling me (phone number is in message) that would be more practical. But if not I’ll type it out for you later today. Your mailbox is on the right hand side of the page. You might have to scroll down to find it.



                                  As to euthanasia, it’s said CO2 is best, but I’ve found that car exhaust works well. They are calm as long as covered.

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