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Hello I’m Marcel Kidder-Jobin and I have a arlo wireless camera In my Blue Bird nest I post everyday and I’m on day 10. So if you’d like to friend me I’d be happy to say yes . The bluebird site is a pain in the neck to post to so I don’t bother, I wish I could share all my pics and videos I have 4 surviving babies lost one. I hope for 3 broads this year. I assume they will fledged Sunday or monday. Thanks. Marcel
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
MarcelinNH. Reason: Error video first
Hi my fellow Blue Bird friends, its Marcel from NH, I got in my 3 ordered van something hosps traps on Monday night. I drilled and set 3 of my 5 boxes. Well the first one got away, too fast don’t know what it was. I got 2 that first day and 2 or 3 every day so far. Only Male Hosps so far. (is this normal)? This has been a horrible experience did I say This has been a horrible experience (and I’m a guy, gay but still a guy),I don’t like taking the life of anything especially if I am not even eating it for me or my family. The only thing That saved me is the 1.non native 2.killed my blue bird 4 eggs on my 3rd brood last year.still sucks taking life.
Question I went for a jog today and about a mile from my house I came across a bush ,yard, with about 20 hosps. Will they be coming to my yard or is that their area?. I don’t think I can do this every day for three months. Thanks Marcel Ps getting my 20,000 mealworms in todays for my babies.thank you again for any help and info. Looks like my Bluebird pair is sticking with same house as last year (first successful 2 broods)(10 fledglings), n 3rd brood 4 eggs eaten\taken by hosps. I’ll post videos when they make nest \eggs. I have a you tube channel now.
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
yYea it worked lol, thanks for the tip, Ill do a short video of my feeder if its a success. LOL
Good Morning Tamsea, I trying to figure this out. Your aiding my learning curve, I can’t seem to upload anything bigger than 1 minute. But this has to do for now. I’m about to make,a new blue bird mealworm feeder in a few minutes, as I’m being eaten out of house and home withe Starling. At my wits end. I’m no carpenter ( at all lol ) but I think I can do it and modify my camera frame. And a found a great Web site where I can get 11 pounds of dehydrated me alien for 74.00. Free shipping. OK here’s the link only 4 short ones for now. Thanks Marcel
Hi Tamsea, I just found out that the link only works for 24 hours, so I guess that’s how they get you to pay more money and then it probably last longer, ill have to check., thanks and I hope you get to see it. and If I get a niced clear video with 6 or more ill post tonight. and if its really good repost tomorrow to give others a chance., Ill have to figure out photo bucket, that is not user friendly either Joined that last week but was nothing but a hassle.. have a good day. Marcel
Hi Tamsea, it must have expired on my security system, sorry I don’t pay so things get abreviated. I’m post another one from like 2/7/16 245pm. I’m excited with this cold weather. I’ve had 9-11 the last 2 days at 4pm. And I put new batteries in my camera this morning. So I’m hoping to catch a great video of at least 6-8 on the platform feeder. So if people like to see the videos I’ll post, but I’ve not received positive or any feedback,so not worth it if people aren’t excited to see the beautiful BB’s. It’s especially cool once they nest and I post the eggs to hatching to feedings and fledglings. OK here you go hopefully you can see and others and I’ll post the 400pm video tonight if I have luck. ( I should as its going single digits and sub zero next two days.
Enjoy, and thankyou for feed back, very appreciated. And I Agree this is a lousy system when you can’t easily post a simple Bluebird picture on a blue bird forum site, hello can you say 2016. Yet on the NY BB site for photo of the month it was effortlessly done.
Thanks Marcel Kidder in NH just realized I never replied about winter roosting, sorry, NO roosting the last 13 years, I’ve only seen them line up on a branch together several times. I have a couple great pics( I like) with 5 and 6 bundled ,snuggled up to each other in a row. I take in there special house so the HOSP don’t know its there,(not sure if it works but had to try something after an attack of the 4 eggs last year. I leave up the original 4 blues birds around the property, (as I intend on ensuring the HOSP have somewh1ere to go so I can promptly humanely evict them, so no harm comes to my Blues, I was devastated seeing a bird take away my pairs 4 eggs and they left the next day for the summer, I was upset and didn’t know anything about HOSP, I had no knowledge and didn’t know that could happen. any way, I’ll try to put a pic on here, if it words this one is from last year 1/14/2015. please someone tell me if I’m doing this wrong. )posting in the wrong place), I wish there was a pic place., nope no pic, this site make it more difficult then my It skills LOL. Ill have to see about creating an account on the suggested above ones, not sure if they charge or are free. ill find out. thanks again every body. here another 10 sec video., I hope to have a longer video with good lighting on the next nice day. and adjust the feeder platform, I had to drop the hood as the crackles are eating up my home made food for the Blues. LOL (not so funny when they are eating) wanted to say hello from Salem NH, I was not sure if this is where its ok to post pics and video links of my Blues. I have a Arlo Live Camera on my feeder at this time, I move it into the roof of the nest box where I got 14 babies last May through July. 2 broads of 5 each successful and the last broad 4 eggs attacked by something (from what you all say I am sure it was HOSP), when I check the video at work before coming home for lunch the bird was taking the 2nd to last egg, I don’t have sound with this camera so I could not try to scare it off. At any rate I wanted to share my Blues, unfortunately I only have 6 this year 3 pairs, usually I have upwards of 13, I expected near 17 with the extra 10 fledglings. I think Its because the weather is Just way to nice and they don’t need me (guessing) we have no snow still and many berries (winter berry) still on the bushes, but I’m grateful as this is the only time I get Blues and 1 pair for nesting. thanks everybody I love reading all your post and pics when I can find them. to the moderator I will post a picture of my ACORN Blue Bird house they just said it was liked by the blues(maybe a sales gimmick. but after years (6 years of no bluebirds nesting , this one they started the second year after I moved it away form the apple tree in the front of the house. (very happy with it and the separate live video /camera we installed. and we can take the top off, but I only do that to adjust the camera or change the batteries, (before eggs hatch ) ok ill try to put couple picks and Ill copy and past the video (only 10 seconds from the last couple days), I adjusted the camera today to 1 minute, as 10 secs. was to short, but I was trying to save battery power, (they are expensive batteries especially if I watch live in the nest for than several minutes at a time. Nice to meet you all, Marcel Male from NH. PS I took your advice and put a few pics on that other site for pic of the month. birds on my feeder today video
My Name is Marcel from Salem NH, I’m so excited to be here, I’ve been watching my girls & (boys) for about 8 years and have been seeing the Eastern Blue Birds from December to April enjoying my Dried n live mealies and I make BB suet in my green house. I usually have about 10-13, and no luck in my 4 houses until last spring. It was beautiful one pair stayed in a new none traditional Acorn bb house(my spouse wanted for birthday), I installed a color motion detector camera and got to see everything I had time to see. It was the coolest thing in the world I had(they had) lol, 2 successful broads of 5 each. Then laid another 4 and I was waiting for #5egg, and looked at my camera feed at lunch at work and was in shock freaking out seeing a bird in the nest a (HOSP)taking the third of 4 eggs out. I flew home (2 miles) but was not in time. To find 2 gone and 2 on ground broken. And mom gone and dad back in the am swooping after hops. And left that afternoon. I took down the house its in the greenhouse till march 1st. Like last year. And will begin trying management of hops. So that being said this is my favorite time of years as I feed usually 13 bb, only 6-9 this year so far, I think because its so warm and no snow (little 2 inch )last week. All the winter berry and holly is still fully on the bushes, (so I think they just have lots of food and don’t need me yet.) my video is live for me and if this site posting allows that link. Its on the feeder hanging 13 feet above ground and the one I put below is from 946am this morning. They are here all day on and off every hour. I’ll set the recorder to 2 minutes if you guys want as I save the batteries keeping it at 34seconds. If that does not work ill take still it has a camera button for shots. I’m so happy to be here, sorry it was so long. And I apologize ahead of time for my grammatical errors, I’m not a good writer. I hope you enjoy my current bb’s. And I have lots of picks from last years broads n videos as I was a bit obsessed, I think some of you probably understand. Thank you for allowing me in on this beauty. Cheers MarcelinNH (Male)😊
This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by
MarcelinNH. Reason: saw the link button, im new
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by