Rich K

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  • in reply to: Redemption~!! #2397
    Rich K

      Egg # 2 today AND a Male HOSP in the repeating trap that has now gone to meet his maker!!

      in reply to: Strange egg found #2391
      Rich K

        Please see about the sparrow spooker. It should be put after after the first egg is laid, but better late than never

        in reply to: Strange egg found #2387
        Rich K

          Do you have a sparrow spooker on the box? Cowbirds fit in Troyer boxes (slotted boxes) but it is unusual. They tend to pick on ground/low nesting birds like warblers, Song Sparrows etc. I’ve had an influx of Cowbirds this year – first time….I found an egg in a Chipping Sparrow nest. Unfortunately the egg “broke” as I was looking at it closely ;)

          in reply to: Redemption~!! #2385
          Rich K

            Egg #1 laid this morning!!!! Spooker and Wren guard up. Me, armed with pellet gun!!! Hoping and praying for a successful clutch. :BlueBirds-baby3:

            in reply to: Barn Swallows #2358
            Rich K

              I have a Troyer box (slot entrance) that was facing due East. I turned it to face North and literally 2 days later a pair began showing interest. Momma has almost finished building the nest and I expect the first egg any day now.

              in reply to: Fledgling goes missing #2335
              Rich K

                I am willing to bet he is around. I had the same thing with my fledgling from a month ago. Then 2 days ago he was sitting on top of the box he fledged from in all his glory! I saw him fly down from the box into the grass to catch his breakfast. He is still hanging around as mom and dad are now busy building nest #2!! Good luck, I bet you see him soon!

                in reply to: Missing egg heartbreak #2315
                Rich K

                  Thanks Gin. The good news is the pair are still very active in the yard. This morning the juvenile male from the first clutch was on top of the box. There are currently 2 females and a male as well as the juvy. Let’s hope they pair up and pick a box. I did find strands of grass in my slot box this morning so I am hopeful of a second clutch. Either way all precautions will be taken!! Learning the hard way!

                  in reply to: Missing egg heartbreak #2305
                  Rich K

                    No egg today so I removed the nest. They are still hanging around so I hope they decide to build again. If not – lesson learned!!

                    in reply to: Missing egg heartbreak #2289
                    Rich K

                      No egg as of 10:45 :(
                      Hopefully tomorrow – but I fear this nesting has been abandoned.

                      in reply to: Got Babies! #2288
                      Rich K

                        You can get a great deal on Meal Worms on Amazon. I get 2,000 at a time and they ship really quick. The EABL’s LOVE them. I put them in a little container about 20 feet away from the birdhouse and mom and dad dive down to get them. I usually only put them out once a day though so they don’t become too dependent.

                        in reply to: Empty nest #2286
                        Rich K

                          I cleaned my box out immediately after the first fledge. That was 3 weeks ago and they started to build again within the 3 week time frame so hopefully! The babies usually stick around all summer and sometimes help feeding the new clutch. Here’s hoping you get another! Do you have a Sparrow Spooker? I just had a very bad experience not putting mine up (lost an egg and now not sure if they will abandon :( )

                          in reply to: Missing egg heartbreak #2285
                          Rich K

                            UPDATE: While cleaning out a Wren box of sticks I noticed a male HOSP hanging around. Not a normal haunt in a wooded area. I’m convinced he was the culprit. I say WAS because I happened to have my trusty pellet gun near by and sent him to meet his maker. :Cough: Still waiting until 11 AM EST to check the box. Fingers and toes crossed.

                            in reply to: Missing egg heartbreak #2284
                            Rich K

                              Still no egg at 8 AM BUT Mama blue was sitting on the wire directly over the box. Praying she lays this morning.

                              in reply to: Missing egg heartbreak #2277
                              Rich K

                                Well on further investigation it is evident that this is the work of HOSP’s. I am SOOOOO mad at myself for not putting the spooker up after egg #1. The past 2 clutches I have waited until all the eggs were laid for fear they would abandon. I’m a complete and utter idiot and feel physically ill right now :(
                                I am praying they lay another egg in the morning and the spooker will go right up. Now I will be sitting in the bush with my pellet gun just waiting for those little brown b@@tards to show up and fill them with lead. UGHHHHHHH… :TwoHosp:

                                • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Rich K.
                                in reply to: Need help identifying nest! #2259
                                Rich K

                                  I am going to put a wren guard up. Working on that now. Thanks Gin!!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 90 total)