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I fed dry meal worms to my blues all winter, and they stuck around. Now, right when it is time to nest, they have been driven off by HOSP. Last year, I had paired boxes on one pole. I had tree swallows in one house and bluebirds in the other house. The tree swallows returned, but every time they try to inhabit their house, the HOSP show up and chase them off. I just keep removing the HOSP nests 2-3 times a day. They are relentless.
PennsylvaniaThe only time I have used live meal worms is in the summer when my mama and papa are working to feed their babies. It gets extremely hot here in July and August, so I like to help out with live worms.
PennsylvaniaHello! I live in south central PA, and I am sick and tired of cold and snow. My blues stayed around all winter. They visit my bird feeder twice a day for dried meal worms. All winter, there were 5 birds–three males and two females. As spring approached, the number decreased, and now I have a male and female who visit each day. They have checked out the house, but they haven’t started building because I have been overrun by HOSPs. The sparrows keep trying to nest in my bluebird house and my tree swallow house. I just keep pulling their nests out and throwing them away twice a day. Trapping them would be useless–there are hundreds of them everywhere. Last year I did this, and eventually the HOSPs got frustrated and left. I had two successful bluebird broods and one tree swallow broods after they left.
PennsylvaniaI’ve been away for a while because I hadn’t seen a bluebird since the fledge at the end of summer. I stopped putting any live mealworms out because they were going uneaten. The other day, I thought I spotted a bluebird in a nearby tree. I put dry mealworms in a tiny dish that hangs on my fence and filled the cup in my new cage feeder. I sprinkled some mealworms on my deck rail. They are back! I have 5-7 bluebirds visiting my feeders and birdbath each morning and again in the evening. I don’t know if they will stay all winter, but my winters (in PA) have been relatively mild the last few years. We’ll see!
I scored two BEAUTIFUL bluebird tree ornaments today at a local Christmas store. I just love them.
PennsylvaniaThanks for the input! I like the deck rail idea. That would be convenient in the winter. :-)
PennsylvaniaAgreed! I enjoy all of the wildlife in my yard, but none are as special as the bluebirds.
PennsylvaniaThat’s really awesome. I have a hummingbird feeder, but the only ones who are enjoying it are the honeybees. I spotted one hummingbird in a nearby pine tree, but I have never been able to draw them to my feeder. There are flowers around, and it is brightly colored. Oh well, maybe some day they will find it. I do however, have a large number of American goldfinch and purple finch who are eating me out of house and home! They go through a tube of thistle seed each and every day. They are beautiful to watch, though.
PennsylvaniaThat’s really cool. I haven’t seen any blues here since my five fledged a week and a half ago. I am hoping they reappear to use my new feeder.
PennsylvaniaDana–I mentioned to Brad earlier in this thread that you can get a pretty good deal on the blue cage feeder on a site called Gardens Alive. You have to search the internet for coupon codes. Look for one that offers a good discount AND free shipping. If you can’t find one with free shipping, go onto “online chat” with a representative and tell them you would like to use the coupon code AND get free shipping. I don’t know, maybe I just got the right person, but I was able to get the blue feeder for $44.99 including shipping. It was a lot easier to swallow than the $69.99 price that I typically see. My item has been shipped, but I am anxiously waiting for its arrival. . .
PennsylvaniaDana, I live outside of Harrisburg, and the downpours have been awful. Friday night was crazy. My fledglings were only out of the box four days on Friday. I was wondering how they were managing in all of this rain. We have rain in the forecast all day tomorrow too. Poor babies.
PennsylvaniaI think Brad uses because he recommended the site to me several weeks ago when I wanted to post photos.
PennsylvaniaHey Brad, There is an online vendor called Gardens Alive who has the blue caged meal worm feeder (they call it a bluebird barrier feeder). They offer it a bit cheaper than any of the other vendors and there are coupon codes online. The list price is $69.99 everywhere else. I managed to score one today for $44.99 total — including shipping. I used a coupon code 0171239 and I conducted online chat with a representative to get free shipping. I don’t know if this fits your budget, but I thought I would share the good deal.
PennsylvaniaOh no! Hopefully they are just late to hatch. . . fingers crossed!
PennsylvaniaIt’s funny how they can be so different. Sounds like we both got gems this year. :-)
PennsylvaniaI guess my papa bluebird should be up for “bluebird husband of the year.” That bird is the most attentive guy in the world. He is always around. After the first group of eggs was laid, he routinely went to the house to “check” on the eggs and even took worms to mama when she was in the house. After they fledged, he tended the babies while mama worked on the second nest. When she laid the second group of eggs, he again checked on her regularly, fed her, and took care of the first brood!
My second group of five just fledged yesterday, so none of the birds are in sight. I hope they keep the babies under cover longer this time so that they have a better chance against predators.
Pennsylvania -