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  • in reply to: Anyone seen our precious bluebirds yet? #27088

      Thank you. I wish I had purchased the trap when I posted here first. I had a pair of blues yesterday morning, timing the HOSPs had finally given up after the hatch had been open for about 2 weeks. Sure as _hit, the sparrows were back on top of the box and started a nest the same day the bluebirds came around. I will be removing the nest and getting a trap sooner than later at this point.

      in reply to: Anyone seen our precious bluebirds yet? #26985

        What happens if they don’t die on the first try? I know, try again but what an awful way to go.

        Once they are trapped, how do you make sure they don’t escape when you need to get them out?

        PS. Thank you for understanding!!

        in reply to: Anyone seen our precious bluebirds yet? #26983

          Hello! I posted here once last year and was grateful for the welcoming responses. I had a male blue at one of my feeders a few weeks ago and have not see him since. A pair of HOSPs have claimed the box that my blues had last summer. I’ve removed 2-3 nests and eventually decided to open the hatch to see if that will force them to go find a new place. However, they keep returning and sitting on the roof.

          So, I am having a very hard time with the idea of killing them, even with my love of the blues. However, I am getting to the point of willingness. So, what happens once a Van Erp traps them in the box? I have heard people will get them into a plastic bag and swing them into a tree or something? How do you do it humanely? I don’t even like the kill ants that come into my house, lol (I am finally over that I think)

          in reply to: Please Introduce Yourself! #23913

            Thank you tamsea and David!

            Yes, the box is on a metal pole and my yard is mostly open except a burning bush about 20 feet in front of the box. Also a relatively open, grassy area across the street from me. This morning, a few minutes ago, I heard an unfamiliar bird song and quickly googled the bluebird call and I am 90% sure that’s what I heard, so maybe I have a pair checking out the box!! 😁 I’ve been checking the box for possible sparrow nests. I am not looking forward to the possibility of having to destroy a sparrow nest, but I know it needs to be done if I want any chance of a bluebird family near me. Thanks again!

            in reply to: Please Introduce Yourself! #23890

              Hey all, new bluebird landlord here. Or at least hoping to be. I’m in southwest, rural Michigan and somehow decide bluebirds are my favorite when I’ve probably seen a blue bird 3-4 times max in my 41 years living here in SW Michigan. I’ve seen one twice on my parents road about 3 miles south of me, but never in town where I live. I have my box up and have slowly been introducing meal worms to my feeders. Being that I personally have never seen one in my neighborhood, is there any likelihood at all I’ll be able to get them to nest in my box?

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